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they are的縮寫形式

2019-11-25 11:02:40文/董月

they are的縮寫形式是they're,意思為他們是。they,代詞,他們;她們;它們,作為主語(yǔ)使用。

they are的縮寫形式



英[ee?] 美[ee]


例:They are my best friends and I hope I can help them when they are in trouble.



I’m=I amshe’s=she ishe’s=he is it’s=it is

we’re=we areyou’re=you arethey’re=they are

there’s=there is there’re=there are

that’s=that isSam’s a student. (Sam’s=Sam is 是)

We’ve got a book.(we’ve got=we have got)

(you’ve got=you have gotthey’ve got=they have got)

She’s got a cat. (she’s got=she has got)

(he’s got=he has gotit’s got=it has got)

isn’t=is notaren’t=are not

wasn’t=was notweren’t=were not

don’t=do not doesn’t=does not didn’t=didn’t

hasn’t=has not haven’t= have nothadn’t=had not

can’t=can not won’t=will not

Let’s go. (Let’s=Let us 讓我們)

can not=can't

are not=aren't


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