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be surprised at和be surprised to的區(qū)別

2022-02-11 15:46:05文/丁雪竹

be surprised at 后面接"sb/sth某人或者某物",be surprised at 對……感到很驚奇。be surprised to 驚奇地做某事,be surprised to 后面接“do sth做某事”。

be surprised at和be surprised to的區(qū)別

be surprised at和be surprised to的區(qū)別

be surprised at

1、This is nothing to be surprised at.


2、What's there to be surprised at?


3、The world is so big that nothing is to be surprised at.


4、Is that anything to be surprised at?


5、It is nothing to be surprised at.; It is nothing to get excited about.


be surprised to

1、You may be surprised to hear that you do not need to have any specific amount of money at all.


2、"You'll be surprised how many people in Toronto do not qualify to do business with the banks," he said in a keynote address at the2008 Top Employer Summit.


3、Do not be surprised if it comes to you in words, but do not conceptualize it as a person.


4、You may even be a little surprised to see that it takes only a few dozen lines of code to do some fairly amazing things.



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