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大學(xué)和高中的區(qū)別英語(yǔ)作文 優(yōu)美句子摘抄

2022-05-03 17:20:23文/周傳杰


大學(xué)和高中的區(qū)別英語(yǔ)作文 優(yōu)美句子摘抄


Having lived in university for nearly two mouth ,I m still can t get used to the life in university .Everything goes wrong .Things are so different that I can t get used to them in short period .

Firstly.,it s our friends circle ,we are not study in the same class all day.we just rush from one class to another. It make it hard for us meeting face to face with others,we rely on QQ ,renren and so on,which upset the students who are not outgoing like me .but on the other hand ,it also makes our friends circle lager ,we can make acquaintance with all kinds of people .

Secondly, it s our study .Not like high school,we only have the midterm and final exam ,free of all kinds of test in between.No teachers urge,no too much homework ,no test,we are free ! But things are not easy,we still have the responsibility to study hard for our parents ,for our lover and most importantly, for our bright future.

Lastly, what makes university really different is its various chances.We can take part in many activities.We neednt study all day .We can do something we really love .but various chances also mean various temptation.we need make a plan for our life.

Although I am not used to the life in fudan university but I belive everything will be OK,my college will be my precious memory.


1 Never say die.永不言敗。

2.No cross, no crown.不經(jīng)歷風(fēng)雨,怎么見彩虹。

3.New wine in old bottles.舊瓶裝新酒。

4.Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊補(bǔ)牢,為時(shí)未晚。

5.No garden without its weeds.沒有不長(zhǎng)草的園子。

6.No living man all things can.世上沒有萬(wàn)事通。

7.No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用。

8.No man is born wise or learned.沒有生而知之者。

9.No man is content.人心不足蛇吞象。

10.No man is wise at all times.聰明一世,糊涂一時(shí)。


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